20+ Tweets That Sum Up Friendship In The Age Of COVID-19
Dear Diary, it's Day 6 of the quarantine. My best friend is a mango...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed friendship dynamics in big and small ways.
It has affected people’s relationships with their partners, their children and their colleagues. The folks on Twitter can certainly attest.
Drunk quarantine texts from my out-of-town friends may be my favorite thing
— 🗽 Liz Gumbinner (@Mom101) May 22, 2020
when i see my friends again after quarantine pic.twitter.com/Y7BDqLuIDK
— Karen Chee (@karencheee) May 9, 2020
we've gotten so much amy adams casting news during quarantine, i'm starting to feel like she's that friend who's like "don't worry if you don't get anything done today—nobody's productive right now" but is secretly working really hard and thriving behind your back
— Jill Gutowitz (@jillboard) August 28, 2020
This lady and her 15 friends tested positive for COVID after a girls' night out.
This is terrible of course.
But the bigger question is who the hell has 15 friends?
— Morgan Jerkins (@MorganJerkins) June 17, 2020
The elderly men who sit under the tree (SIX FEET APART) in their folding chairs at the Subway/McDonalds plaza every morning just cheered for their friend as he walked by (SPEED WALKING, WORKOUT STYLE) (HE WAVED) and this is how I know I can still experience happiness.
— Anne T. Donahue (@annetdonahue) September 3, 2020
I miss my friends but also absolutely do not remember who they are or what they look like
— Allison O'Conor (@allisonoconor) July 1, 2020
There are several new friend’s babies I have not been allowed to hold yet because of covid and I WANT TO. I need to start whispering gay propaganda to them, these are vital months in a child’s development
— Bec Shaw (@Brocklesnitch) July 19, 2020
me and friends who also got really into biking during covid meeting up in central park pic.twitter.com/MQhKKXMK2Q
— katie jo (@katiejoyofosho) August 31, 2020
The quarantine is helping my friendship with @Zachanner absolutely flourish pic.twitter.com/ZBlUvz0drl
— broti gupta (@BrotiGupta) April 12, 2020
You, dumb: spending quarantine writing the next great American novel
Me, smart: spending quarantine buying face masks with shrek on them to send to my friends
— Samantha Ruddy (@samlymatters) July 2, 2020
one of my friends said that the only silver living of covid is that i can't force everybody to go to fiddlesticks :/
— Jazmine Hughes (@jazzedloon) May 8, 2020
Dear Diary, it's Day 6 of the quarantine. My best friend is a mango...
— Akilah Green (@akilahgreen) March 18, 2020
Friend just got a negative COVID test and I requested that she spray me with her particles to celebrate
— Samantha Ruddy (@samlymatters) August 15, 2020
If you need a new quarantine pastime I recommend “do I have a crush on this friend or am l just bored”
— Mara “Get Rid of the Nazis” Wilson (@MaraWilson) April 29, 2020
If you had told me six months ago that a ten-year friendship would end today over differing opinions about a tiny piece of cloth covering a face, I would have believed you and been relieved because I never liked the bit*h that much anyways.
— Faux Ma (@Faux_Ma) July 8, 2020
The worst part of this quarantine hands down has been all of my friends going live on Instagram
— Pigeon Fancier (@isabelzawtun) March 18, 2020
If I was running Joe Biden’s campaign our slogan would be “End Coronavirus: 2020” or “Vote for me, see your friends again” idk something like that.
— Ashley Nicole Black (@ashleyn1cole) August 4, 2020
RIP to the budding friendships that almost got off the ground before COVID but absolutely will not survive a year of complete social anomie
— Luc Perkins (@lucperkins) September 7, 2020
Quarantine may not be going well for my 4yo. He just came up to me to introduce his new friends, Great White Shark and Tiger Shark. They are receipts.
— 3 Wild Rainbows (@wildrainbow2) April 2, 2020
The 2020 friendship test:
Yeah you're friends, but are you invited to the size-reduced COVID-19 wedding??
— 😷 (@ofitz_) September 5, 2020
Today I saw my neighbour outside and I told him he was my best friend and also my family now and I meant it with every fibre of my being despite laughing to conceal my thirst for in-person friendship.
— Anne T. Donahue (@annetdonahue) March 22, 2020
Friendship circle over the years
👤👤👤 👤👤👤
👤👤👤 👤👤👤 👤👤👤 👤👤.
2017. 2018. 2019. 2020— Nazeeera🇲🇾 (@Ziraahh2) August 15, 2020
Me: today we celebrate friendship, laughter, and resilience. Here is to the good in the world and strength in adversity!
Empty bottle of bubbly:
— Stephanie Wyeld (@steph_the_twit) April 2, 2020
The upside to this quarantine is not having to hear about your friends’ exotic summer vacation plans.
Enjoy your backyard like the rest of us, Karen.
— Scary Mommy (@ScaryMommy) May 8, 2020
summer 2020 mood: meeting friends in the park at a distance and having them witness and sign your healthcare proxy/living will/advance directive forms
— Lisa Ko (@iamlisako) July 5, 2020
When quarantine restrictions start to lift but your friends still won’t hug you pic.twitter.com/E3f66bi8jy
— Ash (an female) ⚪️ (@adult_mom) May 5, 2020
Quarantine in fantasy: I’m going to watch the entirety of Breaking Bad
Reality: I think I just watched my friend shave his head on Facebook live
— Samantha Ruddy (@samlymatters) March 16, 2020
Fun quarantine craft idea: go through your old photos and cut out all the people you're no longer friends with/family members you hate, etc.
Make a "These Are the People I Hate" scrapbook. Really get creative. Cover that whole sh*t with glitter.
bc remember, you're worth it 🙏
— beth, uprising enthusiast (@bourgeoisalien) March 22, 2020
here i am meeting my friends' kids who were born during quarantine pic.twitter.com/b35ITJQJKw
— Anne T. Donahue (@annetdonahue) May 3, 2020
I wish I could explain to all my skeptical friends what makes Facebook portal so good, esp for this quarantine life, because if I could I’d have friends to call on portal
— Farah Miller (@farahlearned) April 24, 2020
Not sure if COVID ruined my friendships or just showed me who the real ones were? 🧐
— Daddie Llama(69%)🌼🔮🦙🔜 Outdoors (@savagellamaa) June 23, 2020
2020, a play
Friend: Do you remember that bar we got dinner at back in January?
Me: Yeah! What a fun find. We gotta go back when this is all over.
Friend: Well it closed. And then it burned down.
— Samantha Ruddy (@samlymatters) August 21, 2020
Quarantine got people sending FB friend requests again. pic.twitter.com/4JEmRADNtc
— Akilah Green (@akilahgreen) April 5, 2020
Friend: We both grew quarantine mustaches!
Me: Yeah I thought it looked pretty coo-
Friend: Isn’t it hilarious?! We look so fu*king stupid
Me: Oh
Friend: Yours looks REALLY bad I’m jealous!
Me: My wife said it looked goo-
Friend: Goofy, yeah! You look like such an a*shole
— jon drake (@DrakeGatsby) March 24, 2020
One of my friends said in a group text that we should “share pictures of our Easter tablescapes” and I’m not sure our friendship can survive use of the word “tablescapes.”
— SpacedMom (@copymama) April 12, 2020
Today a friend stopped a local brewery and brought me some beer for the quarantine.
Not all heroes wear capes.
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) March 15, 2020
Me asking friends to read my insane quarantine draft pic.twitter.com/LHCMI1co9a
— Brit Bennett (@britrbennett) April 25, 2020
Shoutout to the star of my quarantine: the humble egg. Always there for me, has variety, easy to prepare when I’m not feeling up to it. Helps in both sweet and savoury contexts. Just a good friend in hard time #egg
— Bec Shaw (@Brocklesnitch) April 25, 2020
Anyone who’s ever tried to organize 10 friends for a brunch can tell you that letting 50 individual states do what they want is not a good coronavirus strategy.
— Samantha Ruddy (@samlymatters) August 7, 2020
My friend Kate texted me that she found the De La Soul CD I loaned her in 1999 while she was doing some quarantine cleaning.
— Wendi Aarons (@WendiAarons) April 5, 2020
Preview photo credit: Ziraahh2 / twitter.com